Initially the children are taught to draw, color, paint, stencil, cut and paste. As they develop these fine motor skills, they gradually develop their writing skills. All this enables a Preparatory student to produce accurate, neat and tidy written work. They learn to be independent by having someone they can depend on.
Learning by phonetics is introduced in the Nursery class. As they reach Preparatory class they become fluent readers of books such as “The Elves and the Shoemaker’, ‘Red Riding Hood’, etc… Students are encouraged to read a variety of books, including the newspapers. Instead of emphasizing on rote learning, we encourage debates and promote interactive learning. Kids Camp aims at providing a holistic education to develop the child’s all round personality. A strong policy followed by the school is, not to burden the child by way of private tuitions. Instead we give individual assistance in the remedial class. This operates during school hours, to help the child learn and produce work in class.
We encourage reading habit and every child is encouraged to make use of our extensive school library. Children are also given the opportunity to take the story book home, after they complete reading the book in school.